Motivations of patients and their care partners for visiting a memory clinic. A qualitative study.

Patient education and counseling(2023)

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OBJECTIVE:We investigated motivations of patients and care partners for their memory clinic visit, and whether these are expressed in consultations. METHODS:We included data from 115 patients (age 71 ± 11, 49% Female) and their care partners (N = 93), who completed questionnaires after their first consultation with a clinician. Audio-recordings of these consultations were available from 105 patients. Motivations for visiting the clinic were content-coded as reported by patients in the questionnaire, and expressed by patients and care partners in consultations. RESULTS:Most patients reported seeking a cause for symptoms (61%) or to confirm/exclude a (dementia) diagnosis (16%), yet 19% reported another motivation: (more) information, care access, or treatment/advice. In the first consultation, about half of patients (52%) and care partners (62%) did not express their motivation(s). When both expressed a motivation, these differed in about half of dyads. A quarter of patients (23%) expressed a different/complementary motivation in the consultation, then reported in the questionnaire. CONCLUSION:Motivations for visiting a memory clinic can be specific and multifaceted, yet are often not addressed during consultations. PRACTICE IMPLICATIONS:We should encourage clinicians, patients, and care partners to talk about motivations for visiting the memory clinic, as a starting point to personalize (diagnostic) care.
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