The Hospital Food Experience Questionnaire Predicts Adult Patient Food Intake.

Canadian journal of dietetic practice and research : a publication of Dietitians of Canada = Revue canadienne de la pratique et de la recherche en dietetique : une publication des Dietetistes du Canada(2023)

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Describe food/beverage intake among all patients and those with low meal intake and determine if the Hospital Food Experience Questionnaire (HFEQ), or its shorter version (HFEQ-sv), predicts food intake while considering patient (e.g., gender) and hospital characteristics (e.g., foodservice model). Cross-sectional study of 1087 adult patients from 16 hospitals in Ontario, Canada. The valid and reliable HFEQ assessed patients' meal quality perceptions. Visual estimation determined overall meal and food/beverage intake using the Comstock method. Binary logistic regressions tested the association between patient and hospital characteristics and whether HFEQ or HFEQ-sv scores added utility in predicting overall meal intake (≤50% vs. ≥75%). Approximately 29% of patients consumed ≤50% of their meal. Models assessing patient and hospital characteristics and either the HFEQ or the HFEQ-sv were significant (LRT(43) = 72.25,  = 0.003; LRT(43) = 93.46,  < 0.001). Men and higher HFEQ or HFEQ-sv scores demonstrated significantly higher odds of ≥75% meal consumption. Considering HFEQ or HFEQ-sv scores explained greater variance in meal intake and resulted in better model fits. The HFEQ and HFEQ-sv predict patient meal intake when adjusting for covariates and add utility in understanding meal intake. Either version can be confidently used to support menu planning and food delivery to promote food intake.
adultes,adults,apport alimentaire,expérience des patients,food intake,food services,meal quality,patient experience,qualité des repas,services alimentaires
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