Uniaxial stress study of La$_{1.875}$Ba$_{0.125}$CuO$_{4}$ by $^{139}$La NMR

Ivan Jakovac, Adam P. Dioguardi,Mihael S. Grbić, Genda D. Gu,John M. Tranquada, Clifford W. Hicks,Miroslav Požek,Hans-Joachim Grafe


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We report $^{139}$La nuclear magnetic resonance measurements on a single-crystal sample of La$_{1.875}$Ba$_{0.125}$CuO$_{4}$ under uniaxial stress. The spin order is shown to be more robust than at $x = 0.115$ doping, however, for magnetic field $H$ in the $c$ direction and the stress applied along the [110] direction ($\sigma_{[110]}$) the spin order transition temperature $T_{\text{SO}}$ is rapidly suppressed. This is in stark contrast to the behavior with stress in [100] direction ($\sigma_{[100]}$), which has virtually no effect on $T_{\text{SO}}$. For $H \parallel [1\overline{1}0]$, $\sigma_{[110]}$ stress has a weakened effect, and the rate $d T_\text{SO}/d \sigma_\text{[110]}$ is drastically reduced. Thus, $H\parallel [1\overline{1}0]$ acts as a stabilizing factor for spin-stripe order. Also, the onset temperature of the low-temperature tetragonal crystal structure $T_{\text{LTT}}$ is essentially unaffected by [110] stress, while it decreases slowly under compression along [100]. We develop a Landau free energy model and interpret our findings as an interplay of symmetry-breaking terms driven by the orientation of spins. These findings put constraints on the applicability of theoretical models for the development of spin-stripe order.
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