Testicular neoplasms: the interrelationships of serum levels of microRNA-371a-3p (M371) and classical tumor markers with histology, clinical staging, and age—a statistical analysis

Journal of cancer research and clinical oncology(2023)

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Purpose In testicular neoplasms, the interrelationship of elevations of the novel serum tumor marker microRNA-371a-3p (M371) and traditional markers with other clinical features is still incompletely understood. The present study evaluated marker expression rates in relation to various other clinical parameters. Methods The following data were retrospectively registered from 641 consecutive patients with testicular neoplasms: histology, such as seminoma ( n = 365), nonseminoma ( n = 179), benign tumor ( n = 79), other malignant tumor ( n = 18); patients age (years); clinical stage (CS1, CS2a/b, CS2c, CS3); and preoperative elevation of beta HCG, AFP, LDH, M371 (yes/no). Descriptive statistical methods were employed with comparisons of various subgroups to disclose associations of marker expression rates with age, histology and CS, and of age with histology. Results The histologic subgroups revealed significantly different expression rates of tumor markers. M371 performed best with expression rates of 82.69% and 93.58% in seminoma and in nonseminoma, respectively. In germ cell tumors, all markers had significantly higher expression rates in metastasized stages than in localized disease. All markers except LDH have significantly higher expression rates in younger than in older patients. Nonseminoma is most prevalent in the youngest age category, seminoma predominates in patients > 40 years, other malignancies were restricted to patients > 50 years. Conclusion The study documented significant associations of serum marker expression rates with histology, age and clinical staging, with highest rates in nonseminomas, young age and advanced clinical stages. M371 showed significantly higher expression rates than other markers suggesting its superior clinical usefulness.
Alpha fetoprotein,Beta HCG,Clinical stage,Lactate dehydrogenase,MicroRNA-371a-3p,Nonseminoma,Seminoma,Testicular neoplasms
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