Traumatic esophageal fistula secondary to self-expandable metal stent placement

Carlos Chavarria, Luis Wong-Becerra, Daniel Riado-Minguez,Carlos Castano-Milla


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Patients’ perception of their cleansing quality can guide strategies to improve cleansing during colonoscopy. There are no studies assessing the agreement between the quality of cleansing perceived by patients and cleansing quality assessed during colonoscopy using validated bowel preparation scales. The main aim of this study was to compare the cleansing quality reported by patients with the quality during colonoscopy using the Boston Bowel Preparation Scale (BBPS).Consecutive patients referred to an outpatient colonoscopy were included. Four drawings representing different degrees of cleansing were designed. Patients chose the drawing that most resembled the last stool. The predictive ability of the patient's perception and agreement between the patient's perception and the BBPS were calculated. A BBPS score of <2 points in any segment was considered inadequate.Six hundred and thirty-three patients were included (age: 62.8 ± 13.7 years, male: 53.4%). Overall, 107 patients (16.9%) had inadequate cleansing during colonoscopy, and in 12.2% of cases, the patient's perception was poor. The patient's perception compared to the quality of cleanliness during colonoscopy presented a positive and negative predictive value of 54.6% and 88.3%, respectively. The agreement between patient perception and the BBPS was significant (P < 0.001), although fair (k = 0.37). The results were similar in a validation cohort of 378 patients (k = 0.41).The cleanliness perceived by the patient and the quality of cleanliness using a validated scale were correlated, although fair. However, this measure satisfactorily identified patients with adequate preparation. Cleansing rescue strategies may target patients who self-report improper cleaning.Registration number of the trial: NCT03830489.La percepción de los pacientes sobre su calidad de limpieza previa a la colonoscopia puede guiar estrategias de rescate para mejorar la limpieza durante la colonoscopia. El objetivo fue evaluar la concordancia entre la calidad de limpieza percibida por los pacientes con la calidad durante la colonoscopia utilizando la escala de preparación colónica de Boston (BBPS).Se incluyeron pacientes consecutivos remitidos a una colonoscopia ambulatoria. Se diseñó un set de 4 imágenes representativas de diferentes grados de limpieza. Los pacientes elegían la imagen que se asemejaba más a la última deposición. Se calculó la concordancia entre la percepción del paciente y la BBPS. Una puntuación de la BBPS < 2 puntos en cualquier segmento se consideró una limpieza inadecuada.Se incluyeron 633 pacientes. Globalmente, 107 pacientes (16,9%) presentaron una limpieza inadecuada durante la colonoscopia, y en el 12,2% de los casos, la percepción del paciente fue de limpieza inadecuada. La percepción del paciente presentó un valor predictivo positivo y negativo de 54,6 y 88,3%, respectivamente, para predecir la calidad de limpieza mediante la BBPS. La concordancia entre la percepción del paciente y la BBPS fue significativa (p < 0,001), aunque aceptable (k = 0,37). Los resultados fueron similares en una cohorte de validación de 378 pacientes (k = 0,41).Existe concordancia entre la limpieza percibida por el paciente y la calidad de la limpieza mediante una escala validada, aunque esta fue aceptable. Estos resultados sustentan el uso de estrategias de rescate en los pacientes con percepción de una limpieza colónica inadecuada.
anastomotic leak,esophageal fistula,self-expandable metal stent
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