The growth of brightest cluster galaxies in the TNG300 simulation: dissecting the contributions from mergers and in situ star formation


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We investigate the formation of brightest cluster galaxies (BCGs) in the TNG300 cosmological simulation of the IllustrisTNG project. Our cluster sample consists of 700 haloes with M (200) > 5 x 10 (13) M-? at z = 0, along with their progenitors at earlier epochs. This includes 280 systems with M (200) > 10( 14) M-? at z = 0, as well as three haloes with M 200 > 10 (15) M-?. We find that the stellar masses and star formation rates of our simulated BCGs are in good agreement with observations at z ? 0.4, and that the y hav e e xperienced, on av erage, similar to 2 ( similar to 3) major mergers since z = 1 ( z = 2). Separating the BCG from the intracluster light (ICL) by means of a fixed 30 kpc aperture, we find that the fraction of stellar mass contributed by ex situ (i.e. accreted) stars at z = 0 is approximately 70, 80, and 90 per cent for the BCG, BCG + ICL, and ICL, respectively. Tracking our simulated BCGs back in time using the merger trees, we find that they became dominated by ex situ stars at z similar to 1-2, and that half of the stars that are part of the BCG at z = 0 formed early ( z similar to 3) in other galaxies, but "assembled' onto the BCG until later times ( z asymptotic to 0.8 for the whole sample, z asymptotic to 0.5 for BCGs in M (200) >= 5 x 10(14)M(?) haloes). Finally, we show that the stellar mass profiles of BCGs are often dominated by ex situ stars at all radii, with stars from major mergers being found closer to the centre, while stars that were tidally stripped from other galaxies dominate the outer regions.
methods: numerical,galaxies: clusters: general,galaxies: evolution,galaxies: formation,cosmology: theory
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