Laparoscopic resection of presacral benign tumors with rectum preservation

Updates in surgery(2023)

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Multiple surgical approaches are available for the treatment of presacral tumors. In patients with presacral tumors, surgical resection is currently the only curative treatment option. However, the anatomical structures of the pelvis are not readily accessible using traditional approaches. Herein, we present a surgical technique for laparoscopic presacral benign tumor resection with rectal preservation. Surgical videos of two patients were used to introduce the laparoscopic procedure. First, the tumor of a 30-year-old woman with presacral cysts was observed during physical examination. As the tumor continued to enlarge, it increased rectal compression and altered bowel habits. The patient's surgical video was used to present complete laparoscopic presacral resection. Several video clips of a second 30-year-old woman with cysts were used to present the details and precautions of the resection. Neither of the patients required conversion to an open surgical approach. Complete surgical excision of the tumors was achieved, without rectal injury. Both patients had no postoperative complications and were discharged on postoperative 5–6 days. The laparoscopic approach for presacral benign tumors is superior in terms of manipulability compared with the conventional approach. Therefore, we recommend that the laparoscopy approach should be considered as the standard surgical approach for presacral benign tumors.
laparoscopic surgery,presacral benign tumor,surgical approach,treatment strategy
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