Cancer-directed surgery brings survival benefits for patients with advanced prostate cancer: a population-based propensity-score matching study.

Journal of Cancer(2023)

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The purpose of this study was to evaluate the survival benefits of cancer-directed surgery (CDS) for localized prostate cancer (PCa) as well as advanced PCa. We retrospectively used the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) database and conducted a propensity score matching (PSM) study to investigate survival benefits and influencing factors of CDS in patients with PCa, especially for those with advanced PCa. 19,729 cases were included. Patients who were recommended CDS had lower stages of disease (81.01% vs. 77.32% at stages I and II, p<0.01) than those who were not recommended CDS. It was primarily age, diagnosis year, cancer stage (American Joint Committee on Cancer Staging System), Gleason score, race, and home location and prostate-specific antigen, that influenced whether CDS was recommended or not (all p<0.05). Patients with PCa had lower rates of cancer specific mortality (CSM) and overall mortality (OM) when CDS was performed (CDS performed=CDSP). The unselected patients with CDSP decreased both rates of CSM by 79% and OM by 26% (both p<0.001). CDSP also benefited the young patients (with age ≤74 years old) with stage IV disease, promoting a rate decrease by 28% in CSM and by 31% in OM (both p<0.001). We found a decline in CSM and OM for unselected patients with PCa and patients less than 74 years old with stage IV disease. CDS as part of a multimodal treatment concept should be considered for an alternative treatment for patients with advanced PCa.
Survival benefit,cancer mortality,cancer-directed surgery,population-based study,prostate cancer
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