The effect of PRP and hyperosmolarity simultaneous use on expression profile alteration of miRNAs associated with cartilage differentiation in human adipose tissue-derived mesenchymal stem cells.

E Konar, S R Khatami, S P Pezeshki, M Shafiei,M R Hajjari


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BACKGROUND:Mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) are a type of multipotent stem cell whose differentiation into cartilage cells has been considered in recent years. Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) may impair cartilage differentiation due to its richness in growth factors and hyperosmolarity due to its proximity to the required cartilage environment. OBJECTIVES:The main purpose of this study was to treat human adipose tissue-derived MSCs concurrently with PRP and hyperosmolarity to investigate the expression profile of micro-RNA (miRNA) involved in the cartilage process differentiation. We examined the effect of PRP and the increase in osmolarity on the expression of miR-27, miR-101, miR-140, miR-145, miR-146, and miR-199. METHODS:Mesenchymal stem cells were extracted from human adipose tissue and differentiated into chondrocytes and the effect of baseline cultures (diff), PRP (prp), hyperosmolarity (os), base plus hyperosmolarity (diff + os), PRP plus hyperosmolarity (prp + os) next to the control group were studied in cartilage differentiation using specific stains such as Alcian blue, hematoxylin and eosin, and collagen type 2 and 10 immunohistochemistry. In addition, the expression of miR-27, miR-140, miR-199, miR-146, miR-101, and miR-145 was evaluated using real-time PCR. CONCLUSION:Human adipose tissue-derived MSCs with the ability to differentiate into adipocytes and osteocytes showed the properties of chondrocytes in all differentiation groups. Alkaline phosphatase (ALP) enzyme activity and calcium deposition were lower in the diff + os group than in other groups. Therefore, the diff + os group may be a more suitable environment for cartilage differentiation. Furthermore, 5% PRP concentration and hyperosmolarity showed a positive effect on miR-140, miR-199, miR-27, and, miR-146 and a negative effect on miR-101 and miR-145 on cartilage differentiation.
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