First report on uterine intussusception as a cause of dystocia in german shepherd dog

Exploratory Animal and Medical Research(2022)

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Uterine intussusceptions are a rare emergency clinical condition and have been reported in immediately postpartum female dogs in a few recent case reports but never as a cause of dystocia. A 20-month-old primiparous German shepherd dog with complete gestation and showing greenish-black vaginal discharge was presented. The animal was hyperactive with abdominal discomfort, hyperpnoea, and tachycardia. Radiographic examination revealed at least 3 fetal skeletons while ultrasonography revealed multiple fetuses with no heartbeats. Based on the initial tentative diagnosis of primary uterine inertia oxytocin, calcium gluconate, and dextrose normal saline was administered but subsequently, no expulsion of fetuses occurred. Hence, the cesarean section was the only option to deliver the fetus. After incising the abdomen from the left flank approach, it was found that there was telescoping of the uterus. The complete right and half left uterine horns were telescoped with each other while, the half left uterine horn was normal. Two fetuses were present in the telescoped cyanotic right uterine horn while one fetus was there in the normal left uterine horn. First, the fetuses were removed by incising both uterine horns separately so that the size of the uterus could be reduced by removing the telescoping part of the uterus. Then, the telescoping was removed and an ovariohysterectomy was done to prevent toxemia. The animal recovered uneventfully after surgery. Thus, this case presents the first report of uterine intussusceptions causing dystocia and its successful surgical management in a dog.
uterine intussusception,german shepherd dog,dystocia,cesarean section
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