Gamification of Animal Recognition Learning for Children with Deaf in Elementary School Using Dance Pad Media

2022 12th International Conference on System Engineering and Technology (ICSET)(2022)

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Madrasah Ibtiyah Muhammadiyah Special Program (MIM PK) Kartasura is an elementary school for children with special needs, one of which is the deaf, located in Kartasura. As technology develops, the MIM PK school continues to strive to improve innovation and quality in learning, one of which is using educational games. Based on the age of elementary school children, education is needed in recognizing the things around them, one of which is the introduction of animals so that they will know about the various kinds of animals that are around them. The solution that the researcher provides is using animal recognition gamification for children with special needs (ABK) with hearing impairment in 4th grade using the Media Dance Pad. The method used is divided into several stages including requirements analysis, system design, implementation and code writing, testing, evaluation, and maintenance. The making of this educational game uses Construct 2 as the software used in making the game and uses a dance pad as a connecting device for the controller and Figma as a component in the game. Based on the BlackBox and questionnaire tests that have been carried out, it is hope that the educational game is useful and easily as a learning media that makes it easier for students to receive the material, especially in animal recognition.
game,educational game,dance pad,deaf children
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