Life Cycle Assessment of Embodied Carbon in Buildings: Background, Approaches and Advancements


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The environment demands a reduction in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, as building and construction are responsible for more than 40% of the energy consumed worldwide and 30% of the world's GHG emissions. Many countries have aligned themselves with the Paris agreement, following its target of achieving net zero carbon emissions, although some governments are focused on the operational energy efficiency part of the equation instead of the whole equation. This study emphasizes the significance of incorporating the minimization of embodied emissions into all parts of the building, with a focus on the measurement of embodied carbon, concepts of its management and strategies proposed and enacted for mitigation. As estimate is an important part of any debate, the measurement approach covers the uncertainty analysis from diverse points of view through a novel approach; management covers the early design tools, and the significance of the lifecycle stages; mitigation covers the reduction strategies of embodied carbon, although reduction in embodied carbon is a subjective topic and depends on region. The analysis covers the ideal approaches for mitigation irrespective of the region.
life cycle assessment,net zero,carbon emissions,embodied emissions,uncertainty analysis,lifecycle stages
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