'Thinking about myself?' Experiences of parents of adolescents with cerebral palsy: A qualitative study to guide the implementation of a service for families

Child: care, health and development(2023)

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BackgroundRecently, there has been an increase in the development of transition services for adolescents with cerebral palsy (CP). Studies have emphasized the importance of addressing parents' needs during their children's adolescence. AimsThis study aimed to understand how parents experience the adolescence and transition to adulthood of their adolescents with CP and to identify relevant components for the development of a service for families. Methods and proceduresA qualitative study was conducted with 18 families of adolescents with CP. Caregivers were purposely recruited from a transition programme called Adolescence in Focus Program. Individual interviews were conducted using a semistructured script. Then, the caregivers were invited to participate in focus groups. The interviews and focus groups were recorded and transcribed for content analysis. ResultsThree categories emerged: 'The onset of adolescence', 'What will our future be?' and 'Support and services: paths to follow'. The adolescents' behavioural changes seemed to be intensified by their restricted social participation. Parents reported the desire for their adolescents to become independent in daily activities. Regarding their own future, they aimed to re-establish the occupational roles that were interrupted. ConclusionInformation from this study guided the design of a programme for families regarding content, format and outcomes.
adolescents,adulthood,cerebral palsy,parents,service,transition
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