Are physicians aging well? Subjective successful aging, happiness, optimism, and resilience in a sample of Brazilian aging doctors

Rodrigo C.M. Silva,Carla F. Zambaldi, Sílvia Poliana G.A. Costa, Philip A.C. Urquiza,Leonardo Machado,Amaury Cantilino

The European Journal of Psychiatry(2022)

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Background and objectives The elderly physician population is increasing worldwide. Data on how doctors have aged are scarce. The purpose of this study is to evaluate subjective successful aging (SSA) and its correlations with resilience, happiness, and optimism in a sample of older physicians. Methods A cross-sectional study was carried out with physicians over 65, through face-to-face interviews. All the volunteers answered the following: Self-rate successful aging; CD-RISC 10; Subjective Happiness Scale; LOT-R; SF-36; and a socio-demographic questionnaire. Results The mean of self-rate successful aging in SSA was 8.65 (92.3% over or equal to 7), and significant and positive correlations were found between resilience (r = 0.33) and happiness (r = 0.68). No correlation was found between age subset (young-old x old) or physical limitations and evaluation of SSA. Conclusion Physicians evaluated aging as successful regardless of health and limitations. SSA had a positive correlation with resilience and happiness.
Successful aging,Subjective successful aging,Physician health,Psychological resilience,Happiness,Optimism
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