Private and Secure Smart Meter Billing.

ACM Cyber-Physical System Security Workshop (CPSS)(2022)

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The introduction of smart grids has changed how electric power is distributed and how power companies measure electricity usage by consumers and generate bills. When smart grids and smart meters calculate and report the power usage of a customer to a utility provider in a user friendly way, we need to ensure that privacy of the customers is not violated and no sensitive data such as their energy consumption habits are revealed either to the utility provider or to third parties, trusted or otherwise. To this end, we propose a novel scheme to compute electricity usage of customers and report it to a utility provider in a secure manner, using cryptographic primitives such as secret sharing, aggregate signatures, and a distributed file system for data storage and retrieval. Using our proposed system, a utility provider can accurately bill a customer for their energy consumption, without having to know the customer's energy usage habits, and without having to rely on trusted hardware or a trusted third party.
Smart grid, Aggregate signatures, Distributed file systems
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