The elderly in French Guiana: health status and challenges for the Guianese health system

Loreinzia Clarke, Marie Josiane Castor-Newton, Olivier Angenieux,Maryse Lapeyre-Mestre,Virginie Gardette

Sante publique (Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy, France)(2022)

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Introduction: With the increase in life expectancy of the population, the progression of chronic diseases, in particular cardiovascular diseases, neurodegenerative diseases (NDD) and their complications, health and medico-social care represents a major public health issue. Objective: The aim of this article is to present an overview of the situation of the elderly and the current organization of the healthcare system for their care in French Guiana. Method: A review of the literature and analysis of the most recent data related to demographics, socioeconomics, morbidity and mortality, supply and use of care, were carried out. For comparative purposes, these data were compared with those for mainland France and the other French overseas departments and regions when available. Results: With an average annual growth rate of +6.7% among people aged 65 and over, the highest in France (excluding Mayotte), the aging phenomenon has begun in French Guiana, although its population is still young. The health status of the elderly in French Guiana, characterized by an early onset of dependency and a greater prevalence of silent diseases ( arterial hypertension, diabetes, hypercholesterolemia), is less favorable than in mainland France. In addition, the health and medico-social provision for the elderly remain incomplete or even embryonic, with little adapted support for elderly people with NND. Conclusion: This review highlights the situation of elderly people and the challenges for the health system.
Aging,Elderly,Health system,French Guiana
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