Hopes and fears regarding care robots: Content analysis of newspapers in East Asia and Western Europe, 2001-2020.

N Kodate, Y Maeda,B Hauray, M Tsujimura, W C H Chan,H Mannan,W Yu,S Dalgalarrondo,M C Cheung,A Yumoto, S Suwa,S Donnelly, N Sakata, D O'Shea, K Obayashi,S Masuyama

Frontiers in rehabilitation sciences(2022)

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Positive and negative narratives were teased out, alongside other key prominent themes identified, such as Japan as the land of robots, the pandemic, and the impact of robots on the economy. As the number of robot-related articles grew from the year 2012 onwards, narratives became more nuanced in European newspapers, but not in Asian ones. Furthermore, recent articles began to address the social and relational impact of care robots, while providing concrete examples of improvements in the quality of life for users. Further careful examination will be necessary in the future in order to establish the impact of robotics use in rehabilitation for people with disabilities, older adults, their carers and society at large.
Asia,Disability,Europe,Social constructivism,public perception,robot,social care,welfare technology
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