Leveling Up: EmTech Education Providing New Pathway Opportunities in IT for Women at Any Stage of Their Careers

Elodie Billionniere, Maria De Pena, Jenny Chen, Kennashka Desilva

Information Technology Education Conference(2022)

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ABSTRACTTech industry, especially, some areas within tech fields, such as Emerging Technology (EmTech), like cybersecurity, machine learning, AI, and cloud computing, are expected to experience immense increases in job opportunities in coming years. While a variety of solutions are necessary to address the growing workforce needs in the EmTech industry, one of the largest untapped talent pools is women and underrepresented students. The panel postulates the labor needs for more women in Tech could be met by actively nurturing and enticing recent graduates, early career professionals, reskilled and returning career professionals. This panel offers a discussion platform that can provide insight into the stories of Women in EmTech and further research how to improve diversity in the technology education and industry.
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