[Malnutrition management of hospitalized patients with diabetes/hyperglycemia and hip fracture].

Nutricion hospitalaria(2022)

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The yearly incidence of hip fracture is very high, which generates significant healthcare and socioeconomic burden. These fractures can occur at any age, but the vast majority occur in people over 65 years of age and predominantly in women, due to the increased risk of menopause-associated osteoporosis. Type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM2), apart from altering glucose, lipid and protein metabolisms, also causes a deregulation of calcium, phosphorus and magnesium and dysfunction in bone metabolism. The prevalence of malnutrition in patients with hip fracture is also high, due to their advanced age, and the acute injury itself provokes catabolic and inflammatory responses that result in disease-related malnutrition and sarcopenia, which aggravates the patient's clinical condition. This article describes the results of the expert consensus and the responses of the panelists on the nutritional management in routine clinical practice of patients with diabetes/hyperglycemia hospitalized (non-critically ill) with hip fracture.
Desnutrición. Hiperglucemia. Diabetes. Osteoporosis. Fractura de cadera. Tratamiento nutricional.
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