Adipose tissue adipokines and lipokines: Functions and regulatory mechanism in skeletal muscle development and homeostasis


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Skeletal muscle plays important roles in normal biological activities and whole-body energy homeostasis in humans. The growth and development of skeletal muscle also directly influence meat production and meat quality in animal production. Therefore, regulating the development and homeostasis of skeletal muscle is crucial for human health and animal production. Adipose tissue, which includes white adipose tissue (WAT) and brown adipose tissue (BAT), not only functions as an energy reserve but also has attracted substantial attention because of its role as an endocrine organ. The novel signalling molecules known as “adipokines” and “lipokines” that are secreted by adipose tissue were identified through the secretomic technique, which broadened our understanding of the previously unknown crosstalk between adipose tissue and skeletal muscle. In this review, we summarize and discuss the secretory role of adipose tissues, both WAT and BAT, as well as the regulatory roles of various adipokines and lipokines in skeletal muscle development and homeostasis. We suggest that adipokines and lipokines have potential as drug candidates for the treatment of skeletal muscle dysfunction and related metabolic diseases and as promising nutrients for improving animal production.
Adipokines,Lipokines,Batokines,Crosstalk,Glucose and lipid metabolism
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