Flow Characteristics of the Conjugate of Anti-CD3 Monoclonal Antibodies and Magnetic Nanoparticle in PBS and Blood Vessels

Oxygen Transport to Tissue XLIII(2022)

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Previously, anti-CD3 antibodies delivered intravenously have been known for their negative side effects. The experimental conditions for optimal liquid production are derived from the Fc-directed conjugation of anti-CD3 foralumab antibodies and magnetic nanoparticles (Ab-MNPs). The anti-CD3 antibodies are prepared for conjugation with MNPs using SiteClick antibody labelling kits. The successful conjugation of the Ab-MNPs is confirmed using a transmission electron microscopy (TEM) image and an energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) analysis. The average values ​​of the moving speed of MNPs and Ab-MNPs in phosphate buffer saline (PBS) were + 3.16 pix/frame and + 6.70 pix/frame in the x-axis, respectively. This implies that MNPs with CD3 antibodies attached to the surface through biocompatible ligand functional groups has better fluidity in PBS. Afterwards, a non-clinical animal testing for the flow characteristics of Ab-MNPs inside a blood vessel is carried out to observe the effects of Ab-MNP delivery through intravenous injection.
Anti-CD3 antibody (Ab), Foralumab, Magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs), Conju-gates, Phosphate buffer saline (PBS), Blood vessel, Biocompatibility
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