Defining the Settings of Product Attributes for Product Design Using an Innovative NSGA-II

2022 International Conference on Frontiers of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (FAIML)(2022)

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In the process of product design, the quality function deployment and affective design are needed in the initial stage. In fact, for a new product, affective design needs designers, and engineering design needs engineers to complete. Generally, some design attributes in affective design and engineering specifications in engineering design are common. However, the two processes, quality function deployment and affective design, are carried out separately, so there will be some differences in the settings of the same design attributes and engineering specifications. This paper formulates a multi-objective optimization model which considers the above two processes. In order to optimize the design, an innovative non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm-II (NSGA-II) based on chaos optimization algorithm (COA) is proposed. At the same time, using the way of case analysis, the mobile phone is selected as the research object to illustrate the establishment of the model and the optimization technique.
new product design,nsga-ii,chaos optimization algorithm
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