Analysis of non domestic water needs in the clean water supply in Badung Regency

I Gusti Lanang Made Parwita, I G B Sila Dharma,Mawiti Infantri Yekti,I Putu Gustave Suryantara, I Ketut Sutapa

International research journal of engineering, IT & scientific research(2022)

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The need for clean water is generally divided into two groups, namely domestic water needs and non-domestic water needs. Non-domestic water needs are water needs other than for household purposes such as for education, industry, tourism, social and others. In general, the determination of non-domestic water demand is estimated to be around 20-25% of the total domestic water demand. Badung Regency has characteristics as the main tourist area in Bali as evidenced by the existence of 33 tourist destinations, both cultural tourism, natural tourism, artificial tourism and youth tourism. With these characteristics, this study emphasizes the analysis of non-domestic water needs in the tourism sector. The research was conducted by analyzing various factors related to the need for clean water in the tourism sector such as hotel accommodation, tourism support facilities and the number of tourism objects available. The results of this analysis are compared with domestic water needs according to the existing population. The analysis shows that non-domestic water demand for tourism accommodation (hotels, villas and condominium hotels) is 186.76 liters / second, for tourism objects is 7.64 liters / second, restaurants and bars is 24.21 liters / second.
non domestic water needs,clean water supply,badung regency
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