Strongly coupled magnon-plasmon polaritons in graphene- 2D ferromagnet heterostructures

A. T. Costa,M. I. Vasilevskiy, J. Fernández-Rossier,N. M. R. Peres

arXiv (Cornell University)(2022)

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Magnons and plasmons are two very different types of collective modes, acting on the spin and charge degrees of freedom, respectively. At first sight, the formation of hybrid plasmon-magnon polaritons in heterostructures of plasmonic and magnetic systems would face two challenges, the small mutual interaction, via Zeeman coupling of the electromagnetic field of the plasmon with the spins, and the energy mismatch, as in most systems plasmons have energies in the eV range, orders of magnitude larger than magnons. Here we show that graphene plasmons form polaritons with the magnons of two-dimensional ferrromagnetic insulators, placed up to to half a micron apart, with Rabi couplings in the range of 100 GHz (dramatically larger than cavity QED magnonics). This strong coupling is facilitated both by the small energy of graphene plasmons and the cooperative super-radiant nature of the plasmon-magnon coupling afforded by phase matching. We show that the Rabi coupling can be modulated both electrically and mechanically and we propose a attenuated total internal reflection experiment to implement ferromagnetic resonance experiments on 2D ferromagnets driven by plasmon excitation.
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