Recent advancements and perspective of ciprofloxacin-based antimicrobial polymers.

Journal of biomaterials science. Polymer edition(2022)

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In recent years, microbial pathogens, which are major sources of infections, have become a widespread concern across the world. The number of deaths caused by infectious diseases is continually rising, according to World Health Organization records. Antimicrobial resistance, particularly resistance to several drugs, is steadily growing in percentages of organisms. Ciprofloxacin is a second-generation fluoroquinolone with significant antimicrobial activity and pharmacokinetic characteristics. According to studies, many bacteria are resistant to the antibiotic ciprofloxacin. In this article, we look into polymers as ciprofloxacin macromolecular carriers with a wide range of antibacterial activity. We also discuss the latter form of coupling, in which ciprofloxacin and polymers are covalently bonded. This article also discusses the use of antimicrobial polymers in combination with ciprofloxacin in a various sectors. The current review article provides an overview of publications in the last five years on polymer loaded or modified with ciprofloxacin having applications in numerous sectors.
Ciprofloxacin,antimicrobial activity,application,polymers
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