LBODP014 Hyperaldosteronism Caused By Adrenal Cyst

Laura Valentina Estupiñan Vargas, Juanita Gonzalez,Andres Felipe Garcia Ramos,Claudia Monsalve, Nestor Alfonso Lopez Pompey,Jose Luis Torres,Juan Pablo Dueñas,Daisy Buenaventura,Hernando Vargas,Alex Ramirez, Salomon Daguer

Journal of the Endocrine Society(2022)

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Abstract Introduction Cyst adrenal lesions are uncommon with a reported incidence in autopsies of 0. 064% to 0.18%. Functional adrenal cysts are rarer, to our knowledge with 3 cases reported in the literature, 2 producing catecholamines and 1 producing aldosterone. Clinical case: A 39-year-old male patient with arterial hypertension since the age of 38 without target organ involvement or hydroelectrolytic alterations was taken to studies of secondary hypertension, as a positive finding we found aldosterone in 10.5 ng/dl (n <10 ng/dl) and direct renin 0. 0296 mU/L (n >1 mU/L) for an aldosterone-renin ratio of 354 (n <3.7); Confirmation of hyperaldosteronism was performed with a saline solution suppression test, with basal aldosterone of 14.4 ng/dl and post saline of 9.53 ng/dl. (n <5ng/dl). He was taken to localization studies with contrast-enhanced CT scan of the abdomen, finding a low-density left adrenal adenoma. A laparoscopic adrenalectomy was performed, on pathology an adrenal cyst was report without nodular lesions. 4 months later clinical and biochemical resolution was confirmed. Conclusion This patient is the 4th case published in the literature of a biochemically confirmed functional adrenal cyst, which is important in order not to rule out the presence of adrenal cysts as a possible etiology of hormone overproduction. Presentation: No date and time listed
Aldosterone,Primary Aldosteronism,Hypertension,Adrenal Vein Sampling
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