On the specific energy and pressure in near-Earth magnetic clouds


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The pressure and energy density of the gas and magnetic field inside solar coronal mass ejections (in relation to that in the ambient solar wind) is thought to play an important role in determining their dynamics as they propagate through the heliosphere. We compare the specific energy (${\rm erg\,g^{-1}}$) [comprising kinetic ($H_{\rm k}$), thermal ($H_{\rm th }$) and magnetic field ($H_{\rm mag}$) contributions] inside MCs and the solar wind background. We examine if the excess thermal + magnetic pressure and specific energy inside MCs (relative to the background) is correlated with their propagation and internal expansion speeds. We ask if the excess thermal + magnetic specific energy inside MCs might make them resemble rigid bodies in the context of aerodynamic drag. We use near-Earth in-situ data from the WIND spacecraft to identify a sample of 152 well observed interplanetary coronal mass ejections and their MC counterparts. We compute various metrics using these data to address our questions. We find that the total specific energy ($H$) inside MCs is approximately equal to that in the background solar wind. We find that the the excess (thermal + magnetic) pressure and specific energy are not well correlated with the near-Earth propagation and expansion speeds. We find that the excess thermal+magnetic specific energy $\gtrsim$ the specific kinetic energy of the solar wind incident on 81--89 \% of the MCs we study. This might explain how MCs retain their structural integrity and resist deformation by the solar wind bulk flow.
specific energy,pressure,near-earth
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