DRAM1 promotes antibacterial autophagy and lysosomal delivery of Mycobacterium marinum in macrophages


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Damage-Regulated Autophagy Modulator 1 (DRAM1) is an infection-inducible membrane protein, whose function in the immune response is incompletely understood. Based on previous results in a zebrafish infection model, we have proposed that DRAM1 is a host resistance factor against intracellular mycobacterial infection. To gain insight into the cellular processes underlying DRAM1-mediated host defence, here we studied the interaction of DRAM1 with Mycobacterium marinum in murine RAW264.7 macrophages. We found that shortly after phagocytosis, DRAM1 localised in a punctate pattern to mycobacteria, which gradually progressed to full DRAM1 envelopment of the bacteria. Within the same time frame, DRAM1-positive mycobacteria colocalised with the LC3 marker for autophagosomes and LysoTracker and LAMP1 markers for (endo)lysosomes. Knockdown analysis revealed that DRAM1 is required for recruitment of LC3 and for acidification of mycobacteria-containing vesicles. A reduction in the presence of LAMP1 further suggested reduced fusion of lysosomes with mycobacteria-containing vesicles. Finally, we show that DRAM1 knockdown impairs the ability of macrophages to control mycobacterial infection. Together, these results support that DRAM1 promotes the trafficking of mycobacteria through the degradative (auto)phagolysosomal pathway. Considering its prominent effect on host resistance to intracellular infection, DRAM1 is a promising target for therapeutic modulation of the microbicidal capacity of macrophages. ### Competing Interest Statement The authors have declared no competing interest.
antibacterial autophagy,mycobacterium marinum,lysosomal delivery
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