Structure-Preserving Random Noise Attenuation Method for Seismic Data Based on a Flexible Attention CNN

Wenda Li, Tianqi Wu,Hong Liu


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The noise attenuation of seismic data is an indispensable part of seismic data processing, directly impacting the following inversion and imaging. This paper focuses on two bottlenecks in the AI-based denoising method of seismic data: the destruction of structural information of seismic data and the inferior generalizability. We propose a flexible attention-CNN (FACNN) and realized the denoising work of seismic data. This paper's main work and advantages were concentrated on the following three aspects: (i) We propose attention gates (AGs), which progressively suppressed features in irrelevant background parts and improved the denoising performance. (ii) We added a noise level map M as an additional channel, making a single CNN model expected to inherit the flexibility of handling noise models with different parameters, even spatially variant noises. (iii) We propose a mixed loss function based on MS_SSIM to improve the performance of FACNN further. Adding the noise level map can improve the network's generalization ability, and adding the attention structure with the mixed loss function can better protect the structural information of the seismic data. The numerical tests showed that our method has better generalization and can better protect the details of seismic events.
random noise,attention,noise level,structure-preserving,denoising
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