An Oil Wear Particles Inline Optical Sensor Based on Motion Characteristics for Rotating Machines Condition Monitoring


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Since inline monitoring method has the advantages of no sampling, being real-time, no human intervention, and low error, this paper innovatively proposes to study the inline monitoring of wear particles in an oil pipeline, from the perspective of the different motion characteristics of the particles. In this paper, an inline optical sensor was designed and developed by studying the velocity characteristics of different particles through theoretical calculations, numerical simulations, and experimental analysis. First, an equation for particle motion was statistically established, based on the forces acting on wear particles in an oil-filled vertical tube. Then a finite element model of particle motion in a full-flow oil pipeline was created, to simulate particle motion with various diameters, densities, locations, and shapes. Finally, the results of the theoretical study were effectively applied to design an inline optical monitoring sensor, and the experimental validation results demonstrated that the inline sensor has excellent suitability for monitoring wear particles. This study has significance for the safe operation of large rotating machinery.
oil particle, forces, properties, motion velocity, mathematical model
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