Observed Reductions in the Infectivity of Coronavirus (BCOV) Bioaerosols Under Repetitively Pulsed RF Exposure

B. W. Hoff, Z. W. Cohick,B. S. Tilley,J. W. Luginsland, D. Revelli,J. Cox,H. Irshad,B. L. Ibey, D. A. Enderich,R. J. Thomas, J. W. McConaha,M. A. Franzi,W. P. Roach, D. A. Shiffler

2022 IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science (ICOPS)(2022)

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Experimental results from a study investigating the inactivation of bioaerosols containing Bovine Coronavirus (BCov) under repetitively pulsed radio frequency (RF) electromagnetic exposure will be presented. These experiments were performed in a waveguide containing a flowing aerosol stream and were limited to the use of a single RF waveform: ~2 μs square envelope, 5.6 GHz, 4.8 kHz repetition rate. Aerosol streams were exposed to pulsed RF electric field amplitudes in the range of 41.9 +/- 6.2 kV/m. Compared to the results of the control (no-RF) experiments, RF waveform exposure results in a 74% reduction in mean survival rate of the aerosolized BCov. RF exposure was also demonstrated to have a substantial impact on the variance of the experimental results, with the RF exposure data showing an 800% increase over the control results. Experimental results will then be compared to those from an analytic electromagnetic-heating inactivation model for aerosolized pathogens.
repetition rate,pulsed RF electric field amplitudes,no-RF,mean survival rate,aerosolized BCov,RF exposure data,electromagnetic-heating inactivation model,aerosolized pathogens,observed reductions,repetitively pulsed RF exposure,bovine coronavirus,flowing aerosol stream,single RF waveform,square envelope,coronavirus bioaerosols,repetitively pulsed radiofrequency electromagnetic exposure,RF waveform exposure,waveguide,frequency 5.6 GHz,frequency 4.8 kHz
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