A clinical case of the development of choroidal neovascularization in a patient with skin melanoma on the background of therapy with MEK and BRAF inhibitors

Natalia V. Tkachenko, Svetlana G. Belekhova,Natalia V. Zhukova, Vera S. Prokopchuk, Natalya S. Chernova

Oftalʹmologičeskie vedomosti(2022)

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The emergence of targeted therapy has become a significant breakthrough in the management of cancer patients, but even it is not without drawbacks. The article describes a clinical case of the development choroidal neovascularization in a 42-year-old patient with stage IV skin melanoma during 15 months of therapy with MEK and BRAF inhibitors. Clinicians need to remember that such patients may have not only MEK-associated retinopathy, but also other pathological changes in the retina, in particular choroidal neovascularization, which may be associated with both the chemotherapy they receive and the paraneoplastic syndrome itself against the background of the course of the underlying disease. Timely diagnosis and adequate management tactics allow such patients to preserve visual functions.
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