Local mesh refinement sensor for the lattice Boltzmann method

Journal of Computational Science(2022)

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A novel mesh refinement sensor is proposed for lattice Boltzmann methods (LBMs) applicable to either static or dynamic mesh refinement algorithms. The sensor exploits the kinetic nature of LBMs by evaluating the departure of distribution functions from their local equilibrium state. This sensor is first compared, in a qualitative manner, to three state-of-the-art sensors: (1) the vorticity norm, (2) the Q-criterion, and (3) spatial derivatives of the vorticity. This comparison shows that our kinetic sensor is the most adequate candidate to propose tailored mesh structures across a wide range of physical phenomena: incompressible, compressible subsonic/supersonic single phase, and weakly compressible multiphase flows. As a more quantitative validation, the sensor is then used to produce the computational mesh for two existing open-source LB solvers based on inhomogeneous, block-structured meshes with static and dynamic refinement algorithms, implemented in the Palabos and AMROC-LBM software, respectively. The sensor is first used to generate a static mesh to simulate the turbulent 3D lid-driven cavity flow using Palabos. AMROC-LBM is then adopted to confirm the ability of our sensor to dynamically adapt the mesh to reach the steady state of the 2D lid-driven cavity flow. Both configurations show that our sensor successfully produces meshes of high quality and allows to save computational time.
Lattice Boltzmann,Automatic mesh refinement,Refinement sensor,Palabos,AMROC
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