MoS2 nanoflower-mediated enhanced intratumoral penetration and piezoelectric catalytic therapy


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The absence of lymphatic vessels in tumors leads to the retention of interstitial fluid, and the formation of an inverse pressure difference between the tumor and blood vessels hinders drug delivery deep into the tumor, which leads to tumor recurrence and metastasis. Therefore, we designed a novel strategy to downregulate tumor interstitial fluid pressure (TIFP) by water splitting in the tumor interstitium based on piezoelectric catalysis nanomedicine. First, the chemotherapeutic drug doxorubicin (DOX) was loaded on the piezoelectric catalytic material MoS2 and then encapsulated with tumor cell membrane (CM) to obtain MD@C. MD@C could not only target the tumor through homologous targeting but, more importantly, also triggered piezoelectric catalytic water splitting under ultrasound (US) stimulation; as a result, the TIFPs of U14 and PAN02 tumor-bearing mice were reduced to 57.14% and 45.5%, respectively, and the tumor inhibition rates of MD@C were 96.75% and 99.21%, which increased the perfusion of blood-derived drugs in the tumors. Moreover, the hydroxyl radicals generated by piezoelectric catalysis could effectively inhibit the growth of tumors in combination with DOX. Consequently, the piezoelectric catalytic water splitting strategy of MD@C can enhance drug delivery, providing a new universal platform for the treatment of solid malignant tumors.
Piezoelectric catalytic therapy,Tumor interstitial fluid pressure,Intratumor drug delivery,Water splitting,Nanocatalytic medicine
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