Study of the indicators of the development of the ability to sense rhythm in the pupils of the basic school with the visual impairments

Scientific Journal of National Pedagogical Dragomanov University. Series 15. Scientific and pedagogical problems of physical culture (physical culture and sports)(2022)

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Based on the analysis of the scientific and the methodological literature, the importance of the vision in the development of the ability to sense rhythm in the visually impaired children is revealed. It was found that the manifestation of the rhythmic ability depends on the functional state of the visual sensory system. The pupils with the visual impairments lag behind their peers who see well in terms of the rhythm perception. Indicators of the ability to feel the rhythm in the pupils of the basic school with the visual impairments, which were determined and evaluated by the results of the rhythmic movements of the arms and the legs, were considered. The study involved 117 pupils with the visually impaired of the 5-10 grades of the municipal institution «Kharkiv special boarding school I-III degrees № 12» of the Kharkiv Regional Council. To achieve the goal of the study the following methods were used: theoretical analysis and generalization of scientific and methodological literature, pedagogical testing, methods of the mathematical statistics. It was found that the highest indicators of the ability to feel the rhythm were recorded in the pupils of 9th and 8th grades. A comparison of the results of the sense of the rhythm in the pupils of the middle school with the visual impairments in the gender and the age is presented. It was found that they are better in the girls than in the boys. The age dynamics of the studied indicators in this contingent changes in different directions.
visual impairments,rhythm,pupils,indicators
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