Implementation of a Scalable and Robust Messaging Solution for Flexibility Trading

2018 IEEE International Conference on Smart Energy Grid Engineering (SEGE)(2018)

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As Smart Grids highly depend on the information exchange between its components, messaging usually plays an important role. The messaging solutions used in Smart Grids are demanded to be scalable and robust. Scalable due to the usually large spatial extends and many communicating components, Robust due to the criticality of reliable information transfer for Smart Grid operation. In context of a flexibility coordination paradigm, where controllable and decentralized power sources and loads are utilized for stable grid operation, this article focuses on the development and implementation of a suitable message-oriented middleware solution. Though, particularly designed towards the system architecture and functional requirements or the flexibility coordination use case, the envisaged messaging solution aims at being applicable to a broad variety of Smart Grid applications. Apart from describing the components of the messaging system, also an application programming interface for the messaging solution is introduced. This interface is provided to component implementors with special attention to ease-of-use. Finally, we provide some performance considerations and evaluations on the developed system.
flexibility trading,messaging middleware,smart grid,reliable messaging
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