HEART: Gemini Infrared Multi-Object Spectrograph (GIRMOS) Real-time Controller using Herzberg Extensible Adaptive Real-time Toolkit (HEART)

Software and Cyberinfrastructure for Astronomy VII(2022)

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This paper will discuss the Gemini Infrared Multi-Object Spectrograph (GIRMOS) with a focus on the design of its facility class Adaptive Optics (AO) Real Time Controller (RTC). The GIRMOS Adaptive Optics Real-Time Controller (GIRMOS RTC) will be developed using the Herzberg Extensible Adaptive Real-time Toolkit (HEART), a C/C++ software framework for constructing RTCs that targets general-purpose CPUs and standard networking hardware. The GIRMOS RTC just finished a successful pre-build phase where the custom parts of GIRMOS were designed and it was shown how the design incorporated HEART's software modules. The GIRMOS RTC as a Multi-Object implementation of HEART will leverage a decade of design, modelling, and prototyping effort aimed to support the performance and configurability requirements of AO systems, with support for multiple client science instruments. This paper will discuss how HEART can be customized for a Multi-Object AO (MOAO) system.
GIRMOS, HEART, real-time control, adaptive optics, wavefront sensors, real-time, deformable mirrors, RTC, AO, MOAO
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