Influence of zinc oxide nanoparticles on dielectric performance of natural ester oil

22nd International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering (ISH 2021)(2021)

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In this study, the effect of semi-conductive zinc oxide nanoparticles on the dielectric performance of natural ester oil FR3 TM is addressed. The nanoparticles are integrated in the oil volume in weight percentages of 0.004% (zNF1) and 0.008% w/w (zNF2). AC Breakdown Voltage of the nanofluid samples is measured and compared to the respective properties of both the base oil and the nanofluids-containing SiC nanoparticles. Furthermore, the Partial Discharge Inception Voltage of Nomex ® Dupont TM paper impregnated in NF samples is determined and explained. The processing of the results shows that zinc oxide nanoparticles can increase the dielectric strength of the transformer oil only in the lower concentration (zNF1) by 7%, while zNF2 has a reduced AC breakdown voltage by 17.1%. In terms of Partial discharge ignition voltage, it is found that the paper impregnated to zNF1 shows increased partial discharge ignition voltage with respect to paper impregnated to zNF2 by 25%.
dielectric performance,semiconductive zinc oxide nanoparticles,natural ester oil FR3,oil volume,nanofluid samples,partial discharge inception voltage,dielectric strength,transformer oil,zNF1,AC breakdown voltage,partial discharge ignition voltage,nanofluid-containing SiC nanoparticles,weight percentages,Nomex Dupont paper,ZnO
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