Low-dose florfenicol and copper combined exposure during early life induced health risks by affecting gut microbiota and metabolome in SD rats

Zheng Ma, Xue Gao,Xiao Yang,Lin Lin, Xiangyi Wei, Shuhan Wang, Yuke Li, Xinyue Peng, Chuchu Zhao,Jinyao Chen,Hang Xiao,Ya Yuan,Juan Dai

Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety(2022)

引用 3|浏览10
The potential health risks associated with simultaneous presence of residues of heavy metals and antibiotics in the environment and food have been of wide concern. However, the adverse health effects of combined heavy metal and antibiotic exposure at low doses remain unclear. In this study, the effects of combined exposure to florfenicol and copper at low doses during early life on toxicity, gut microbiota, drug resistance genes, and the fecal metabolome were investigated in Sprague–Dawley (SD) rats. The results showed that combined exposure induced inflammatory responses and visceral injury as well as faster weight gain compared with florfenicol or copper exposure alone. Alpha and beta diversity indices indicated that the composition of the gut microbiota and the abundance of bacteria related to energy intake and disease in the combined exposure group were significantly altered. The increase in resistance genes (floR, fexA) induced by florfenicol exposure was suppressed under combined exposure to florfenicol and copper. The fecal metabolome also demonstrated that metabolic pathways related to energy intake and liver injury were significantly affected in the combined exposure group. In conclusion, this study shows that combined exposure to florfenicol and copper during early life can pose a nonnegligible health risk even if the exposure concentration of florfenicol or copper is below the safe limit.
Florfenicol,Copper,Co-exposure,Early-life,Toxicity,Gut microbiota
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