Pain Levels of Childs After Pediatric Anesthesia and Evaluation of Nursing Interventions: A Retrospective Descriptive Study

Gümüşhane Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi(2022)

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The aim of the study is to retrospectively determine the pain levels of pediatric patients aged 3-18 years and the nursing interventions applied after pediatric anesthesia.There should not be more space left between a cursor and words in the words. Turkish digits must be separated by a comma, not a decimal point. It is a retrospective, descriptive study. The research was carried out in the pediatric surgery service of a public hospital in Konya. The sample of the study consisted of 2420 pediatric patients in the 3-18 age group who were hospitalized in the pediatric surgery clinic and underwent surgical intervention between January 01, 2019 and December 31, 2020. The Child Information Form and the pain diagnosis system registered in the hospital automation system were used to collect the research data. Analysis of the data was evaluated using number, percentage calculations, and means analysis. Of the 2420 children who participated in the study, 56.5% were in the 3-6 age group, 96.4% were male, 92.9% had outpatient surgery, 97.6% were not administered analgesics, 78% were distracted. It was found that pulling to the side was applied and the mean pain level was 2.17±0.71. As a result of the study, it was determined that the level of pain in children was low in the postoperative period and that nurses commonly applied nursing interventions through non-pharmacological methods in pain management, taking into account the age characteristics of the child.
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