Seasonal variation significantly influenced the stochasticity of community assembly of amphibian symbiotic bacteria


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Seasonal variation has been shown to influence symbiotic bacterial community composition and structure in amphibians. It is still unknown how the symbiotic bacterial community assembly changes during different seasons, especially for amphibians who are particularly sensitive to environmental change. We found significant differences in the composition and diversity (alpha and beta diversity) of amphibian skin and gut bacteria. Co-occurrences network analysis showed that seasonal variation reduced the microbial network complexity of amphibians from summer to autumn. The normalized stochastic ratio (NST) and phylogenetic bin-based null model analysis (iCAMP) models showed that the same result that stochastic processes was the major factor regulating the symbiotic bacterial community assembly mechanisms of amphibians. From summer to autumn, the symbiotic bacterial community assembly mechanisms declined in the contribution of stochastic processes, while increasing in the contribution of deterministic processes. Dispersal limitation was the dominant microbial assembly mechanism, followed by homogeneous selection, and then heterogeneous selection in the symbiotic bacterial community communities of amphibians between summer and autumn. Furthermore, higher niche width of the symbiotic bacterial community of amphibians was found in summer than autumn. Overall, these results demonstrated that seasonal variation influenced amphibian symbiotic bacterial community between summer and autumn.
amphibian symbiotic bacteria,symbiotic bacteria,seasonal variation,stochasticity
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