Beyond standard PSE testing: An exploratory study of bioimpedance as a marker for ham defects.

Meat science(2022)

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During post-mortem conversion from muscle to meat, diverse quality anomalies can emerge. Recent pork defects are often accompanied by deteriorating fibre structure. Here we investigate how bioimpedance response, an indicator of structural disintegration, can help in detecting quality defects. We, first, measured the relationship between standard meat quality variables (pHu, CIELAB, drip loss) and bioimpedance (BI) response. To screen for defect-biomarkers that are linked to aberrant bioimpedance and physicochemical indicators of quality decline, we performed LC-MS/MS proteomic analysis on samples, classified with a multivariate-based separation into good versus poor quality. We found that BI correlated significantly with, e.g., colour and drip loss. Proteomics revealed eleven proteins to be unique for either, good or poor ham quality groups, and maybe linked to structural degradation. In all, our data supports a wider integration of BI testing in pork quality testing to assess structural disintegration, which can render ham unsuitable for, e.g., costly curing.
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