Regulation of Nuclear Receptors PXR and CAR by Small Molecules and Signal Crosstalk: Roles in Drug Metabolism and Beyond.

Drug metabolism and disposition: the biological fate of chemicals(2023)

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Pregnane X receptor (PXR) and constitutive androstane receptor (CAR) are ligand-activated transcription factors that regulate the expression of drug metabolizing enzymes and drug transporters. Since their discoveries, they have been studied as important factors for regulating processes related to drug efficacy, drug toxicity, and drug-drug interactions. However, their vast ligand-binding profiles extend into additional spaces, such as endogenously produced chemicals, microbiome metabolites, dietary compounds, and environmental pollutants. Therefore, PXR and CAR can respond to an enormous abundance of stimuli, resulting in significant shifts in metabolic programs and physiologic homeostasis. Naturally, PXR and CAR have been implicated in various diseases related to homeostatic perturbations, such as inflammatory bowel disorders, diabetes, and certain cancers. Recent findings have injected the field with new signaling mechanisms and tools to dissect the complex PXR and CAR biology and have strengthened the potential for future PXR and CAR modulators in the clinic. Here, we describe the historical and ongoing importance of PXR and CAR in drug metabolism pathways and how this history has evolved into new mechanisms that regulate and are regulated by these xenobiotic receptors, with a specific focus on small molecule ligands. To effectively convey the impact of newly emerging research, we have arranged five diverse and representative key recent advances, four specific challenges, and four perspectives on future directions. SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT: PXR and CAR are key transcription factors that regulate homeostatic detoxification of the liver and intestines. Diverse chemicals bind to these nuclear receptors, triggering their transcriptional tuning of the cellular metabolic response. This minireview revisits the importance of PXR and CAR in pharmaceutical drug responses and highlights recent results with implications beyond drug metabolism.
Pregnane X receptor (PXR),constitutive androstane receptor/CAR
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