Seasonal polyphenism of wing colors and its influence on sulphur butterfly diversification


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Seasonal variation of color patterns on butterfly wings are iconic examples of developmentally plastic traits that can influence adaptation and speciation. Yet, there are few examples of such seasonal polyphenisms that have characterized the environmental cues, ecological consequences, or genetic mechanisms involved in generating the plastic variation of wing color. Further, there is a lack of support that such plasticity may impact the adaptive diversification of butterfly wing patterns. Here, we report a case of seasonal polyphenism in pigment and structurally-based color patterns of Zerene cesonia that are strikingly similar to the color pattern divergence seen on the wings of sulphur butterflies. We show that (i) coordinated changes in temperature and photoperiod drive the plasticity, (ii) the plastic color changes impact how fast the butterflies can warm, (iii) identify spalt as likely be involved in the genetic coupling of the pigment and structurally-based color plastic response. We further show that this plastic wing changes phenocopy wing pattern divergence between Zerene species, as well as the color pattern differences known to be commonly involved in sexual selection and speciation across sulphur butterflies. Together, our results demonstrate that shared environmental cues and genetic basis for pigment and structural color plasticity may result in conditions that may have facilitated species diversification of sulphur butterflies. ### Competing Interest Statement The authors have declared no competing interest.
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