The human placenta exhibits a unique transcriptomic void


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We have recently demonstrated that the human placenta exhibits a unique genomic architecture with an unexpectedly high mutation burden([Coorens et al. 2021][1]) and it is also well recognized that the placenta uniquely expresses many genes([Gong et al. 2021][2]). However, the placenta is relatively understudied in systematic comparisons of gene expression in different organs. The aim of the present study was to identify transcripts which were uniquely absent or depleted, comparing the placenta with 46 other human organs. Here we show that 40/46 of the other organs had no transcripts which were selectively depleted and that of the remaining six, the liver had the largest number with 26. In contrast, the term placenta had 762 depleted transcripts. Gene Ontology analysis of this depleted set highlighted multiple pathways reflecting known unique elements of placental physiology. However, analysis of term samples demonstrated massive over representation of genes involved in mitochondrial function ( P =5.8×10−10), including PGC-1α - the master regulator of mitochondrial biogenesis, and genes involved in polyamine metabolism ( P =2.1×10−4). We conclude that the term placenta exhibits a unique metabolic environment. ### Competing Interest Statement D.S.C-J. reports non-financial support from Roche Diagnostics Ltd, outside the submitted work; G.C.S.S. reports personal fees and non-financial support from Roche Diagnostics Ltd, outside the submitted work; D.S.C-J. and G.C.S.S. report grants from Sera Prognostics Inc, non-financial support from Illumina Inc, outside the submitted work. S.G, F.G, I.A, G.A, E.C, A.R.J.L. and L.M.R.H. have nothing to disclose. [1]: #ref-13 [2]: #ref-23
human placenta
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