Fragilaria odeloucaensis sp. nov. (Bacillariophyta, Fragilariaceae) a diatom from temporary streams in southern Portugal


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A new species of araphid diatom is described from a temporary stream in southern Portugal, Fragilaria odeloucaensis sp. nov., which belongs to the group of Fragilaria with widely linear to lanceolate valve outline, spaced striae, lacking spines, and with well-developed apical pore fields. The new taxon can be distinguished based on five unique features within this group, the lanceolate valves with capitate apices, the zig-zagged axial area, the central area with squared fascia, the apical pore fields clearly sunken into the valve apices and the heterovalvar frustules (with respect to striae distancing). Ecological features of the type locality and an additional sampling point where the new species was found are given, together with a discussion of the taxonomic position of the new species within Fragilaria, and the approach used herein for the identification of diagnostic features. This approach includes a detailed analysis of the internal and external characteristics of the axial area-virgae-striae complex, central area, apical pore fields and differences among valves of the same frustule, in addition to the traditional valve shape and morphometric features.
Araphid diatoms, drylands, Iberian Peninsula, intermittent streams, taxonomy
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