Cities and Their Role in Promoting Sustainability

Rushikesh Kolte,Shipra Goswami

Environmental Concerns and Remediation(2022)

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Cities and metropolitan regions are economic development engines, accounting for around 60% of global GDP. They do, however, contribute for over 70% of global carbon emissions and over 60% of resource usage. Rapid urbanization is leading to an increase in slum residents, insufficient and overcrowded infrastructure and services, increased air pollution, and unplanned urban expansion. Achieving a balance between environmental conservation and human economic growth, as well as between current and future requirements, is what sustainable development entails. It entails equality in development and cross-sectoral initiatives throughout time and space. It necessitates the combination of economic, social, and environmental development techniques. The goal of sustainable urban development is to achieve social fairness and environmental preservation while lowering urbanization expenses. Sustainable cities need to focus on four important areas, integrated urban transportation, urban development and infrastructural accessibility, ecology and climate, and health and economy, in order to generate long-term solutions to urban concerns. Promoting high-quality integrated public transportation networks, an equitable and accessible built environment, and integrated transportation and land-use planning are possible interventions to improve the quality of life in cities. This study tries to examine some of the fundamental concerns connected to sustainable urban form that would lead to sustainable urban growth. This comprises both the actions that are required for cities to grow sustainably and the problems that cities face in terms of future urban development.
Sustainable Development Goals, Cities, Urban development
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