Enhanced excitability of the hippocampal CA2 region and its contribution to seizure activity in a mouse model of temporal lobe epilepsy.


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The hippocampal CA2 region, an area important for social memory, has been suspected to play a role in temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) because of its resistance to degeneration observed in neighboring CA1 and CA3 regions in both humans and rodent models of TLE. However, little is known about whether alterations in CA2 properties promote seizure generation or propagation. Here, we addressed the role of CA2 using the pilocarpine-induced status epilepticus model of TLE. Ex vivo electrophysiological recordings from acute hippocampal slices revealed a set of coordinated changes that enhance CA2 PC intrinsic excitability, reduce CA2 inhibitory input, and increase CA2 excitatory output to its major CA1 synaptic target. Moreover, selective chemogenetic silencing of CA2 pyramidal cells caused a significant decrease in the frequency of spontaneous seizures measured in vivo. These findings provide the first evidence that CA2 actively contributes to TLE seizure activity and may thus be a promising therapeutic target.
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