The posterior parietal area V6A: An attentionally-modulated visuomotor region involved in the control of reach-to-grasp action

Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews(2022)

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In the macaque, the posterior parietal area V6A is involved in the control of all phases of reach-to-grasp actions: the transport phase, given that reaching neurons are sensitive to the direction and amplitude of arm movement, and the grasping phase, since reaching neurons are also sensitive to wrist orientation and hand shaping. Reaching and grasping activity are corollary discharges which, together with the somatosensory and visual signals related to the same movement, allow V6A to act as a state estimator that signals discrepancies during the motor act in order to maintain consistency between the ongoing movement and the desired one. Area V6A is also able to encode the target of an action because of gaze-dependent visual neurons and real-position cells. Here, we advance the hypothesis that V6A also uses the spotlight of attention to guide goal-directed movements of the hand, and hosts a priority map that is specific for the guidance of reaching arm movement, combining bottom-up inputs such as visual responses with top-down signals such as reaching plans.
Superior parietal lobule,Macaque monkey,Arm movements,Priority map,Spatial attention
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