PoEC: A Cross-Blockchain Consensus Mechanism for Governing Blockchain by Blockchain


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The research on the governing blockchain by blockchain supervision system is an important development trend of blockchain technology. In this system there is a supervisory blockchain managing and governing the supervised blockchain based on blockchain technology, results in a uniquely cross-blockchain demand to consensus mechanism for solving the trust problem between supervisory blockchain and supervised blockchain. To solve this problem, this paper proposes a cross-blockchain consensus mechanism based on smart contract and a set of smart contracts endorse the crossblockchain consensus. New consensus mechanism called Proof-of-EndorseContracts (PoEC) consensus, which firstly transfers the consensus reached in supervisory blockchain to supervised blockchain by supervisory nodes, then packages the supervisory block in supervisory blockchain and transmits it to the smart contract deployed in the supervised blockchain, finally miners in supervised blockchain will execute and package the new block according to the status of the smart contract. The core part of the consensus mechanism is Endorse Contracts which designed and implemented by us and verified the effectiveness through experiments. PoEC consensus mechanism and Endorse Contracts support the supervised blockchain to join the governing blockchain by blockchain system without changing the original consensus mechanism, which has the advantages of low cost, high scalability and being able to crossblockchain. This paper proves that our method can provide a feasible crossblockchain governance scheme for the field of blockchain governance.
Proof-of-endorse-contracts, PoEC, cross-blockchain consensus mechanism, governing blockchain by blockchain
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